من نحن
- نحن فريق من المسيحيين من جميع انحاء العالم.
- في منتصف التسعينات و لغاية 2007 قام عدد من فريقنا بتحويل النص المكتوب (كلمة السر) الذي كتبته كنيسة الأخوة هيرن هوت الى نص الالكتروني في ذلك الوقت على موقع losung.de .
Thomas Böhme
is a software developer by profession (Java, C++, XML) and lives with his wife in Böblingen in southern Germany. His spiritual home is the free protestant church, where he passionately preaches and makes music.
By his study of theology at Regent College (Vancouver) he discovered his love for the original languages of the Bible. In his spare time, he translates and publishes books, including a German translation of the New Testament.
Helmut Steeb
organizes preparing Bible verses and software for the Bible 2.0 project.
By profession, he develops software for the automobile industry. He lives with his family near Stuttgart in southern Germany.