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Bibl 2.0 Di bibl spjegàrtze sèlbart Bibl 2.0

"The Word" from bible2.net

  • two complementary Bible verses for each day of the year
  • nicely arranged on multiple lines for readability
  • on your smartphone, tablet or computer, as an e-book or screen saver
  • on your website
  • in more than 25 languages and Bible editions
  • free of cost
  • The Word is just a foretaste of the complete Bible, providing a daily impulse for a personal encounter with God.

Why the Bible?

  • The Bible has been published in more languages than any other book of the world!
  • We can't get to know God, our Creator, by our own means.
  • But through the Bible, God speaks to us.
  • The Bible declares that we have been separated from God by our own fault.
  • Jesus Christ has made it possible for us to meet God personally and live in peace with Him.

Who we are

  • We are a number of Christians from all over the world.

Armin Cont

Armin Cont übersetzt die täglichen Bibelverse auf Zimbrisch, seine Muttersprache

Aus dem Team

Siehe drittes persönliches Treffen im Mai 2019.

Helmut Steeb

organisiert die Aufbereitung der Bibelworte und Software für Bibel 2.0.

Im Beruf entwickelt er Software für die Automobilindustrie. Er lebt mit seiner Familie bei Stuttgart.

The Idea of the "Bible 2.0" Project

  • An important principle of Bible study is: “Scripture explains itself”.
  • This happens, for example, when you find a related verse and jot the reference down in the side margin of your Bible.
  • On our site bible2.net we collect such pairs of complementing Bible verses (cross-references) and use them for "The Word".
  • The term "2.0" means "working together via Internet": Christians share their knowledge of the Bible, and this will eventually benefit readers of other languages.
  • Join us by contacting us on: https://bible2.net/en/contact.