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Bibel 2.0 İncil'in gizemi ayetlerinde açılır Bibel 2.0

Start Page and The Word Page Reworked

Start Page:

  • The Start Page shows The Word and verses from the Bible context.
  • The download links are in a new Download Page.
  • The introduction part of the "about us" info is in a sidebar, the rest in a new page to come.
  • The footer shows important links, including links to the Start Page in other languages.

The Word:

  • The page shows verses from the Bible context for the main Bible edition selected.
  • You can configure The Word shown from the other available Bible editions.
  • You can also show the Bible context for these other Bible editions.

The new pages consume fewer transfer bandwidth. The look nice also on mobile and make use of space on large screens.

2022-11-26 • HSteeb