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Bibel 2.0 İncil'in gizemi ayetlerinde açılır Bibel 2.0

The Word 2017 for 10 Bible Editions

So far The Word 2017 is available for 10 Bible editions:

  • Afrikaans: Bybel in Afrikaans (1983-vertaling)
  • Chinese: Chinese Union Version (Traditional Chinese)
  • English: English Standard Version
  • French: Segond21
  • German: Hoffnung für Alle, Neue Evangelistische Übersetzung, Schlachter 2000
  • Italian: Nuova Riveduta 1994
  • Polish: Biblia Tysiąclecia
  • Russian: Юбилейная Библия

You can download it in several of our applications. More Bible editions are being prepared.

2016-11-01 • HSteeb