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מקרא 2.0 כתבי הקודש מבארים את עצמם מקרא 2.0

The Word 2014 for Uzbek

Peter from Switzerland prepared The Word 2014 for Uzbek (Cyrillic), using the Bible text from the Muqaddas Kitob Tarjima qilish Instituti. By automatic conversion, we also provide The Word 2014 for Uzbek in Latin script.

Ey birodarlar, sizlardan o‘tinib so‘raymiz:
beboshlarni ogohlantiring, jur’atsizlarga dalda bering,
zaiflarga yordam ko‘rsating, hammaga sabr–toqatli bo‘ling.
1 Salonikaliklar 5:14

2013-12-30 • HSteeb